

Our Showroom and Workshop
9 Clare St, Bayswater
Just a small sample of the goodies we have for your Mini and Moke
Bumpers and Trim for your Mini.
Our special tools and items board.
Need some consumables or spares?


Minis Plus supplies quality products and personal service at great prices! Orders can be placed online and by phone . We have hundreds more items available in store at Bayswater and are continually adding them online. If you can't find what you are looking for online please contact us as we most likely have it in store on the shelf.

Austrailia and world wide shipping, we aim to provide the parts you want, when you need them. We would welcome your feed back on any improvments to the products, catagories and things you would like to see.

 Can't find what your looking for?

If you can't find what you want in the tabs at the top, try the search bar in the 'Old Shop' or feel free to contact us.

This modern online store uses new levels of security so you can shop in confidence. Payment information is securely processed at the time of the order, card information is not stored providing high levels of security.

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